"Boutique" handbags are very popular right now, and they're quite pricey. I wanted to try making one so I searched the internet for some ideas using "boutique tapestry handbag purses" as search terms but didn't come up with anything. I stumbled upon one on Pinterest that described it as "boho" and "gypsy" .... who knew??
This style handbag uses various tapestries, chenille, trims, satin, etc. all in the same bag. Pictured below are three "Gypsy Boho Handbags" I made recently.The bottom two are made with a 1970's era pattern. The black/brown one on the right is full size and the sage green/brown one on the left was made a little smaller. I looked at the pattern and thought it was way too large so I made it smaller, only to find that I need all the room I can get.
The green one is made with a green/brown/gold tapestry, brown chenille (front panel and strap lining) and faux suede (gusset and strap). I trimmed the flap with brown and gold. The flower on the front is made with the same fabric I lined the purse with. I used an antique silver and amber pin that I seldom wear to finish it off.
The second purse was made with black, brown, green and mauve tapestry and brown chenille for the front and gussett. The straps and lining are a cheetah print. The straps are extra long and can be tied or slipped through a D-ring (haven't decided which I like best). This picture shows the gusset, which allows for LOTS of stuff in the purse.
Here's a close-up of the flower on the black/brown purse. I used the cheetah print and black chiffon for the flower and finished it with a vintage faceted glass button. I used a black chiffon ruffle and "eyelash" trim on the flap of the purse also.
The third purse is made from a black/gold tapestry. I made the straps from a cheetah print "velboa" fabric which is soft and has a nap to it. I inserted ruffled chiffon all around the side, added a gathered strip of the cheetah to the front flap and finished the flap with a tassel trim. I lined this purse with brown satin. All three purses have one or two pockets sewn into the lining.