I bought this light table, along with some other items, from a school auction. They are from a school supplier, and very well made. This light table alone sells for hundreds of dollars. It was in perfect condition.
I researched light table activities online and realized there's no right or wrong thing you can do with it. Transparent colored objects are great, but anything is fun. The light seems to keep the child focused on whatever's on the table's surface.
I went to a teacher supply store and got some things we could play with. I bought some sand, some foam letters, and some finger paints, along with an art smock. We'll try out the finger paints another time. Today we played with sand. At first, Journey just played with common kitchen items on the table. She thought that was neat. Then we added the sand.
The sand comes in various colors and is around $2.99 for a large container (about 2 cups). We only used about half of it. She poured the sand from one container to another, spooned it up, sifted it, and ran her hands through it. She had a lot of fun. It kept her attention for about 45 minutes.
What a great idea for an activity. I love that table!